
BACKGROUNDThe ability to make our own choice is premisedupon the creation of an informed civil society. Toachieve this, it is essential to raise the literacylevels of all citizens. For instance, it is imperativefor everyone to be able to properly understand thestructure of responsibilities and benefits acrossthe entire society and imagine how one’s individualactions may affect society. As an example, a citizenmust be able to recognize that staying healthy isnot only beneficial for himself, but it can alsoreduce the burden on the entire society.Therefore, we need to fully understand thenecessity of staying healthy, preventing diseases,and supporting the rest of society. Furthermore, as the benefits provided underpublic insurance, such as medical care and long-term care, currently exceed individualcontributions, there is an urgent need to supportthe general public in understanding that in orderto ensure the sustainability of universal coverage, itis necessary to consider contributions based onability to pay. As medical costs have continued toincrease, civil society seems reluctant to stepforward to take responsibility for this burden. Assuch, individuals need to understand that if theseconditions continue, the universal health insurancesystem that supports our society will no longer beable to be maintained, and future generations will not be able to recover from this decision. It isessential that we all understand the decisionsfacing us today.RECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATION 7EXPAND INITIATIVES AT ALL LIFE STAGESTARGETED AT RAISING HEALTH ANDFINANCIAL LITERACY AND UNDERSTANDINGOF JAPAN’S SOCIAL INSURANCE SYSTEM To achieve this, Japan should expand initiativesthat are targeted at raising health and financialliteracy levels in various settings, includingelementary, secondary, and lifelong education. Thiswould allow everyone to understand the size of therisk to oneself in the event of illness or injury, thebalance between the public medical insurancecosts one bears in normal times and the cost RAISE THE HEALTH &FINANCIAL LITERACY OFINDIVIDUALS AND CIVILSOCIETYACTION 3 |PAGE | 11ACTION 3...we need to fully understand thenecessity of staying healthy,preventing diseases, andsupporting the rest of society...

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