
RECOMMENDATION 7 EXPAND INITIATIVES AT ALL LIFE STAGES TARGETED AT RAISING HEALTH AND FINANCIALLITERACY AND UNDERSTANDING OF JAPAN’S SOCIAL INSURANCE SYSTEMIndividuals do not have a clear understanding of the combination ofpublic help, mutual aid and self-help depending on the level of risk,and the structure of benefits and burdens on society as a wholeand are not able to imagine how one’s individual actions may affectsociety.Citizens should be able to act on the understanding that beinghealthy is not only for them, but also reduces the burden onsociety, and for this reason, it is necessary to maintain one's health,as well as to act in the broader interest of society.Far more is paid for by public insurance than is borne bybeneficiaries for publicly funded services such as health care andlong-term care, and there is little opportunity for people to actuallyunderstand that a proportionate share of the cost, based onincome and assets as well as public funds, is essential if publiclyfunded services are to remain stable and sustainable.Expand specific initiatives to enhance health literacy in primary,secondary, and lifelong education, and increase opportunities tolearn in-depth about, for example, the magnitude of the risks posedby illness and injury, the balance between the costs they bear innormal times and the costs supported by society when they are sickor injured through public medical insurance, changes in age andability to bear these costs, and the benefits and challenges in Japanwhile considering systems in other countries.The Japanese government should take the lead in encouraging thefinancial industry to educate its individual savers and individualinvestors to improve their financial literacy, while working moreclosely with the financial industry in order to do so. The GOJ shouldalso work more closely with universities and other institutions inefforts to improve financial literacy.CURRENT ISSUES RECOMMENDED DIRECTIONborne by society on one’s behalf in the event ofillness or injury, and how this changes over timeand based on the ability to pay. Moreover, it isessential for everyone to have the opportunity tolearn more about the strengths and weaknesses ofJapan’s system based on the systems that exist inother countries.Financial literacy should be also be improved toencourage Japanese citizens to move from a PAGE | 11| ACTION 3...if these conditions continue, the universal healthinsurance system that supports our society will no longerbe able to be maintained... savings to an investment mindset. TheGovernment should encourage and partner withthe financial industry to provide education to raisethe financial literacy of Japanese retail savers andinvestors.

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