
6 わが国の年金制度は、(1)今日の働き方や世帯形態に合致しておらず、(2)130万円のかべ、在職老齢年金に象徴されるように女性や高齢者の就労意欲を削いでいる。さらに、(3)基礎年金は、マクロ経済スライドにより、最低保障機能が著しく低下していくことが予想される。こうした問題の根本的解決は、現行制度体系のもとでは限界がある。それを直視した上で、新たな制度体系構築に向けた国民の合意形成が急がれるべきである。 The Japanese pension system (1) is not matched to current work styles and household structures, and (2) its ‘1,300,000 yen roof’ and ‘working pensioner’ systems penalize women and the elderly in a way that reduces their desire to work. Furthermore, (3) for the basic pension it is anticipated that the macro-economic slide in its current form will eventually cause minimum social benefits to plummet. There are limits to the current system’s ability to provide a comprehensive solution to these problems. There is a need for the government to face up to these issues and move towards creating public consensus on the creation of a new pension framework as soon as possible.■ 現状の問題点・現行のわが国の年金制度は、(1)正社員の夫と専業主婦の妻をモデルとした制度設計のままであることから今日の働き方や世帯形態、ましてや今後予想される変化に合致しておらず、(2)「130万円のかべ」、「在職老齢年金」に象徴されるようにとりわけ女性や高齢者の就労意欲を削いでいる。さらに、(3)基礎年金は、今後、現在から4割程度給付水準を引き下げなければ年金財政が維持できないことが政府試算でも示されており、「基礎」の名に国民が期待する老後生活の礎としての機能(最低保障)が著しく低下していくことが予想される。■ Current Issues・ Japan’s current pension system is still built on the model of a working husband and stay-at-home wife and does not match with modern work styles and household structures. It will get even further out of touch with changes expected in the coming decades.・ The ‘1,300,000 yen roof’ on spouse incomes and the reduction in benefits for working pensioners in particular lessen the will of women and older citizens to pursue employment. ・ Even government calculations estimate that pension funds will not be able to support basic pension payments unless they are brought down by approximately 40% from current levels, which means that the minimum support and benefits expected by Japanese in their retirement will be drastically reduced.■ 目指すべき方向性・現行制度体系、すなわち、厚生年金と国民年金とに制度が分立しつつ、何れの年金制度加入者にも共通に基礎年金が給付されるという制度体系のままでは、現状の問題点が是正出来たとしても、極めて限界的なものにとどまる。そうした現実を直視したうえで、一元化された、最低保障機能が確保された制度体系構築へ向け、国民の合意形成が急がれるべきである。■ Recommended Directions・ Even if the current pension system (in which the welfare pension and national pension frameworks are separate and basic pension is paid to individuals registered for either pension) could address the existing problems, they would only be addressed in a very limited fashion. The government needs to face up to the issues with the existing system and take the earliest possible action on creating public consensus on creation of a next generation, centralized pension framework that guarantees minimum benefits and support, especially for vulnerable groups.提言 3Proposal 3年金-働き方への中立性および最低保障機能の確保Guarantee minimum benets and neutrality for pension and work lifestyle structures

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